Hyundai Repair: transmission, hyundai santa fe, tool place

QUESTION: I have a 2001 Hyundai Santa Fe. It has about 146000 miles on it. The problem I am having is that it makes a whinnying noise when I start it up. In addition when the vehicle is in motion/ while I am driving it. It acts as if it does not want to go forward. It stalls and then it takes off and continue to do this off and on. What type of problem this maybe and what is an estimate of repair cost? Thanks
ANSWER: Hi, Pat.  I don't have a good idea from your description what's occurring with your vehicle.  With some more information, however, I may be able to understand better and guide you in diagnosis and/or repair.

1.  Does the whining occur only when the starter motor is running, or whenever the engine is running?
2.  When you apply the gas to move the vehicle forward but it doesn't move, do the rpm's go way up?
3.  Stalling implies that the engine stops running.  Since you make no mention of restarting the engine, I presume that's not what you mean.  Please describe, with as much detail as you can, what you mean by stalling.  Does it mean the engine bogs?  Does it mean the vehicle simply won't go?  

If you haven't checked your transmission fluid, you may want to do so.  Low transmission fluid can cause the transmission to slip and make a whining noise.

If the whining indeed occurs anytime the engine is running, you'll need to determine the source of the whining.  You can do this by probing various components with a long screwdriver or similar tool.  Place one end on the component and your ear on the other end.  The whining noise transmitted through the tool will be louder the closer you get to the item with the problem.  In most cases, it'll be quite obvious when you get to the item that's whining.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: In response to your questions:
1. I hear the whinnying noise when I start the engine and for a short time afterwards.
2. Yes, the rpm goes up.
3. The vehicle will move but acts as if it does not want to move forward. It moves very slow.

In order to locate the whining noise, you'll need to probe while the noise is occurring like I discussed in my previous answer.  You'll want to check the engine accessories (p/s pump, alternator, etc.), perhaps several spots on the engine, and even the transmission.

The issue with not wanting to move will depend on how far the engine revs when the vehicle won't move.  If the rpm's go up only to 2000 or 2500 rpm, you should first check for an engine performance problem or locked brakes.  There are many possibilities of causes for lack of engine performance, but checking to see if the brakes are locked simply requires checking to see if the vehicle will roll, or even better, jacking each wheel off the ground to see if it will turn.  If the rpm's go up to 3500 or more, your transmission is probably slipping.  This can be caused by low transmission fluid.