Questioni was driving down the road and the gas swished to one side of gas tank and tried to die out like it was flooding out. the check engine light come on then started flashing, it drove about one mile and i killed engine now it wont start. ive replaced the sparkplugs,coil,all four injectors, same thing. not starting , when i took off number one injector it started up is why i replaced injectors.what should be my next step?
AnswerBased on your description, I'd suspect a fuel delivery issue. But before we jump on that approach, we should first do some basic diagnostic steps to verify what sort of problem you have. The steps below presume the engine cranks normally when you attempt to start it but does not start.
1. Does the check engine lamp come on for at least a few seconds when you turn the key to the "on" position?
2. Check the diagnostic trouble codes. You'll have misfire codes for sure since the check engine lamp was flashing, but the specific codes can be helpful in determining what sort of problem you have. Also, if there are additional codes, that may be helpful in determining what sort of problem you have.
3. Check your fuel pressure while cranking. You'll need a fuel pressure gauge and an adaptor to do this.
4. Check to see whether you have spark. Place a spark plug in the end of one of the plug wires and lay on a metal part of the engine or body. (Make sure there are no fuel vapors or anything else combustible in the vicinity). Then crank the engine. If the plug sparks, you have spark.
5. Check your camshaft timing. The timing belt may have broken, stripped, or jumped time.