Hyundai Repair: my hood is stuck, hood latch, release cable

I tried to check my oil because the oil light is on, but when I tried to open the hood it didn't seem to unlock when I pulled the lever inside my car.  Is there a dfferent way to get the hood to unlock?  Any way to get in it from the front where you normally raise the hood?  It needs oil badly and i won't be able to bring it in to a mechanic for another week or so.

Sometimes, the hood just doesn't pop up.  Have a friend pull on the release while you try to lift the hood.  It's possible that this is all that's necessary to get it open.  

It's also possible, however that you have a release cable or latch problem.  In that case, you'll need to try to work through the grille and from under the vehicle to access the hood latch and either unbolt it or release it.  

If you cannot get your hood up, you should bite the bullet and take it to a mechanic now.  If it needs oil as badly as you indicate, continuing to drive the vehicle may result in severe engine damage.