QuestionThis weekend, the malfunction indicator light came on..and stayed on for most of the weekend..When I shut it off and started it up this morning, it wasn't on, but we're planning a trip this weekend..What could it possibly be?
Thank you!!
AnswerThe lamp could indicate a problem with anything monitored by the engine or transmission control modules (ECM or TCM). Since you're planning a trip, I'd recommend at least having the car checked right away. There may be undesireable consequences if the car is driven a long distance without repairing certain problems.
Ordinarily, if you wanted to attempt repair on your own, I'd advise you to go to AutoZone, AAMCO, or anyone else that will read your trouble codes for free, and then report back with the trouble codes. But I fear that if we go through the procedure of asking/answering questions, your issue won't get resolved prior to the trip. In this case, you should take the car to the dealer or a good driveability repair shop for accurate diagnosis.