Questionmy 2000 tibron has no reverse how do i fix it what part do i need
AnswerPresuming you have an automatic transmission, you most likely need to overhaul or replace the transmission. There are a few things to check before making that determination, however:
1. Make sure the fluid is at the proper level. If low, top off, look for leaks, and repair.
2. Check the shift cable adjustment. A misadjusted shift cable can cause the vehicle to not move in one or more selector positions.
3. Check the range switch operation and adjustment. If the range switch is faulty or misadjusted, the transmission control module (TCM) may keep the line pressure too low for the vehicle to move.
Since we're talking about a major expense, I'd recommend having this diagnosed professionally. Since many transmission shops like to sell transmission overhauls specifically, I think you're most likely to get a competent and honest diagnosis from a dealer, so I'd recommend you to take the car to your local dealer in this case.