Hyundai Repair: santa fe transmission, santa fe gls, new santa fe

I just purchased a new 2007 Santa Fe GLS and the transmission doesn't shift smoothly into drive and it's very sluggish at times until I put my foot into the gas hard. There is a vibrating/ grinding noise when I drive from a starting position and the heat shield vibrates. Can you tell me what might be wrong with this vehicle. There's a little over 2000 miles on it.

In regard to the transmission shifting, it's possible that the transmission adaptive values need to be reset.

In regard to the sluggishness, it's possible it's a normal characteristic of the electronic throttle if you've got the 3.3L engine.

The vibrating/grinding could be the traction control engaging or perhaps the heat shield you mention vibrating.  

It's difficult for me to be certain of very much since I cannot feel and hear your vehicle.  I checked the techncial service bulletins and don't see any reprograms for the sluggishness, nor do I see anything new for transmission shift quality issues.  At the very least, you should take the vehicle to a local dealer for warranty service.  The technician there should be able to determine whether what your vehicle is doing is normal.  At the very least, the heat shield vibration doesn't sound normal.  If you think you're told something is normal that is not, ask to drive a new Santa Fe with the same engine for comparison.