Hyundai Repair: driveline bump 2004 santa fe, necessary repair, short periods

My Santa Fe has the classic driveline bump, but it occurs after being shut off for short periods of time (5 minutes) not the described one hour as addressed in the tsb 04-40-008.  Is this the same problem that is addressed in the tsb or is it a different problem?  If it is a different problem how do I fix it?

As you've probably already discovered, part of the problem with many TSBs is that they don't tell you why the repair fixes the issue.

After reading through the TSB, it's my opinion that the 1 hour period is because the transmission fluid may need to cool.  This idea is supported by the language "may not occur after the engine and transaxle are at operating temperature."  

If you've got nothing better to go on, I'd try the reprogram first, presuming all the other conditions match (2.4 or 2.7 engine, on acceleration from stop, between 2 and 10 MPH).  

If you've got less than 60k on the vehicle, absolutely take it to the dealer for diagnosis and ask them to check it.  It's okay to bring up the TSB, but I'd recommend letting them know up front that you have some concern that the amount of time the vehicle is parked doesn't seem to match.  Ask them if they'll consider doing the reprogram if they cannot find anything else wrong, and tell them that you won't hold them responsible if it doesn't fix the issue.  This way, it's clear that you're respecting their ability to diagnose the vehicle and that you understand that the reprogram may not address the issue.

Even if you're out of warranty, I'd recommend the dealer service department for diagnosis.  They'll be the ones most familiar with how the vehicle should feel, as well as the reprograms available for the vehicle.  Once the problem is identified, then you can determine the necessary repair.