Hyundai Repair: o2 sensors, fuel management system, oxygen sensors
Questioni have a 1996 accent it won't pass e-check the engie light is on. the code says high volts to the o2 senors i replaced both o2 senors it still says high volts to them i took it to the shop and they said the wiring to o2 sensor may have been change is there away to rewire the car or any ideas thank you
AnswerIt doesn't sound like the shop is very certain as to what's causing the problem. I'm also not sure what they mean by "wiring...may have been changed."
In order for me to be of much assistance, the place to start here is the codes themselves. It's possible the repair shop may have misinterpreted the codes. If you can get the trouble codes, please follow-up with what the trouble codes are. I tend to be skeptical of others' interpretations of what the code means, especially when it's a problem that occurs infrequently.
The oxygen sensors in your vehicle apply what's called a bias voltage to the signal. If the incorrect oxygen sensor is used, it may cause errors similar to what you've described. I recommend using only factory oxygen sensors in your car.
If you cannot give me the code numbers, you should take your car to a *very good* *driveability shop* or the dealer. Based on your description, it sounds like the shop that checked your car is just guessing as to the things that may be causing the problem. Yours can be a tricky problem to find, so you'll want an experienced technician with excellent knowledge as to how your fuel management system operates.