Hyundai Repair: 2002 Hyundai wont start: Clicking noise., chime works, digital voltmeter

The engine doesn't start. I hear a clicking noise when I turn the key. I think it's the battery, so I jump start the car, (it runs fine, I drive it 30 miles to charge it up).

I stop the car. Try to start it up and it doesn't start. Clicking noise again. (Interior lights work, radio works, door chime works, etc.) I get a jump start and drive home.

OK. So I need a new battery. I get a new battery at the parts store. Brand new, charged up. I put it in..start the's starts right up! My problems are solved!

I try to start the car won't start and same clicking noise!

Now I'm stumped...any thoughts on what I need to do to fix this?

Thanks in advance...


Since we've established that you can jump start the car, you're definitely looking at an issue with battery state of charge or a poor contact at the battery.

Check your battery terminals and clean any corrosion present.  Use a wire brush to make sure you get to everything.  

Check your alternator.  To do a basic check, start the car and check the voltage across the battery terminals with a digital voltmeter.  If it's less than about 13.5V, you've got an issue with your alternator causing the battery to discharge while you operate the car.

If all the above checks okay, take the battery back and ask the store to check it.  It's possible (but not likely) you bought a defective battery.