Hyundai Repair: drive axle removal on 97 hyundai tiburon, hyundai tiburon, broken bolt
Questionmy 97 tiburon has the antilock four wheeldisk brake system.
and i need to dr. axles and hub bearings can this be done shadetree and how?
AnswerThe axles should be able to be done by the experienced do-it-yourselfer. The hubs and bearings will need to be pressed out of the knuckle, however. This still isn't a bad shadetree job, but you'll probably need to take the knuckles to the local machine shop to have the old bearings pressed out and the new ones pressed in.
Since you have ABS, you'll either need to remove the sensors from the knuckle or take the wiring leads with the knuckles. If the attaching bolts for the sensors don't want to come out or the sensors themselves don't want to come out, it's probably easiest to leave the sensor in the knuckle and disconnect the wiring. If you try to force the issue with the sensor, it'll probably lead to a broken bolt or sensor.