Hyundai Repair: 97 elantra crankshaft pulley, crankshaft pulley, loosy

I'm trying to remove the bolt from the crankshaft pulley, I believe its 22mm? anyway I've been trying to get it off for hours and I'm trying to figure out if i've been turing it the wrong way or what... I know the old saying "lefty loosy righty tighty" but is it opposite threads or somthing?  

You're doing it correctly.  Unscrew counter-clockwise.  It'll be very tight, however.  

If you're using hand tools, you'll need to somehow hold the engine from turning.  With a manual transmission, you can try applying the brake and putting the car in gear.  Otherwise, you'll need to remove the bottom bell-housing cover and hold the flywheel from turning with a screwdriver or similar instrument.

If you're using an impact wrench, it may need to be a very strong impact wrench.  Every once-in-a-while the bolt is very stubborn.