Hyundai Repair: 2003 Sonata Fan Question, adobe svg viewer, fuse box

About a week ago, the fan that blows hot (or cold) air into my car went out.  So my heater/defroster does not work.  If the engine runs long enough, the cab eventually warms up, but the fan does not click on.  I'm hoping its just a fuse issue or a loose connection in the wiring, but need to know what and where to check.  Thanks in advance.

The blower is powered by the 30A blower fuse in the underhood fuse box.  There's also a blower relay, and that's powered by fuse #5 in the passenger compartment fuse box.  Unfortunately the schematic doesn't tell me how it's labeled on your fuse box cover.  It should be a 10A fuse.

If the fuses are good, unplug the fan motor and see if you have power and ground there when the fan is on full speed.  If so, the blower motor is bad.  If not, then you'll need to trace the issue further.  I'll need to know whether you have automatic or manual controls in that case to provide additional guidance.  

You can view the schematics at  The site requires Internet Explorer, and you'll need to register for a free account.  You'll probably also need Adobe SVG Viewer to see the schematics.