Hyundai Repair: hyundia accent 2001, crankshaft position sensor, engine control module ecm
Questioncar cranks but no spark
AnswerThe engine control module (ECM) controls the firing of the ignition coils on this vehicle. Since you've verified that there is no spark, verify that the check engine lamp comes on for at least a few seconds when the key is turned to the "on" position (bulb check). If it doesn't, you need to investigate why the ECM isn't turning on.
Has your check engine lamp been coming on while the engine is running? If so, you should check your diagnostic trouble codes if you can.
Presuming the check engine lamp illuminates during bulb check, then you'll need to investigate those things the ECM needs to see in order to fire the coils. The primary suspect at this point would be the crankshaft position sensor.