Hyundai Repair: Humming noise in engine compartment, engine compartment, screwdriver
QuestionI have a 2001 Elantra with 96k miles. I just developed a humming noise coming from the front of the engine (loudest there but could be coming from belt area as well). It occurs at idle and gets louder as engine warms. It seems to decrease somewhat when accelerating and increases when backing off accelerator even slightly. Timing belt was changed at 60K.
Any ideas before I take the car to the dealership?
AnswerUnfortunately, I've got no good ideas. This could be just about anything that moves or has air flowing through it. My only suggestion would be to probe around with a long screwdriver to see if you can locate the source of the noise. Place the screwdriver on the suspect item and your ear on the end of the screwdriver. If the suspect item is making the noise, you should be able to hear it clearly through the screwdriver.