Hyundai Repair: re: 1996 Accent Gear/transmission - contd., electrical issues, gear transmission

Thanks HT, I will try to get the end clutch of the transmission checked and replaced first before I think of getting the whole transmission. In such a case as mine, is it possible that the computer doesn't throw any codes at all? when my mechanic checked there were no codes came but the car was in od off position and was parked, Would it be possible that if the car is put on OD and then press accelerator, it might give a code?

In many instances, codes for an incorrect gear ratio (which would be what you'd have in a case like yours) will occur only if the car is driven for a significant period of time with the condition actually occurring.  I'm guessing that when this occurs, you click the overdrive off, and keep driving.  So the computer can only recognize the issue for a few seconds, which may not be enough to set a code.  In fact, if you try to keep it in overdrive, the car may slow down quickly enough to come back out of fourth gear prior to detecting the issue.

The fact that you have no trouble codes indicates with rather good certainty that the electrical components such as the sensors and solenoids are working normally.  That's why, based on your description, I moved directly to transmission mechanical issues rather than sensors and other electrical issues.