Hyundai Repair: 94 excel, fuse box, diagnostic connector
Questionwhere is the diagnostic connector and what 2 pins do i jumper to read codes. also need a list of the trouble codes
AnswerYou should have a connector in your interior fuse box that looks like the diagram below. Using a sweep voltmeter, connect the positive lead to the pin indicated by the "x" and the negative lead to a ground.
_ _ ___ _ _ _
|_|_|_ _|_|_|X|
Each code will be two digits. The first digit will be the number of long pulse sweeps and the second digit will be the number of short pulse sweeps. The computer will display each code in sequence. When it reaches the end of the code list, it'll start again with the first code.
For copywright reasons, the site prohibits me from duplicating materials and putting that in my answer. I'll be happy to tell you what any of the codes mean. You can also view the service manual for this car, which has the information I've given you above as well as a code list, at The site requires Internet Explorer, and you'll need to register for a free account.