Hyundai Repair: 96 GT Accent DOHC sluggish, fuel pressure gauge, fuel pressure regulator

Hello I have a 1996 Accent 1.5 DOHC. Having trouble with being sluggish and sometimes won't start. Problem I'm having is that when driving at a steady speed the car will feel like fire is breaking down but when i floor it it takes off and goes resume speed works ok might not do it again for a couple days later. Also some times when i take car for a drive like to work works fine then i come out after work won't start at all rolls over fine but like no fire let set till next day might start right off or maybe not , any help would be nice TKS

The first half of the description sounds like a misfire, and the second half sounds like a fuel pump, fuel pressure regulator, or crank sensor issue.

A good place to start would be hooking up a fuel pressure gauge and doing a scan test for trouble codes.  With some luck, you'll be able to retrieve some codes or see a fuel pressure issue while one of the problems is occurring.

Additionally, when the vehicle won't start, you should try to determine whether you have spark present.