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I have a 2002 Accent that will not start. About 8 months ago I had the same problem and had the crankshaft position sensor replaced, and it worked like a charm. This time it is doing the same thing, it turns over fine, but will not start. We checked the #1 spark plug, and it is getting fuel, but no spark whatsoever. My question is, are there 2 crankshaft sensors on this car, like a front and back? If not, I would think I shouldn't be having the same problem 8 months later. We have also went through and checked all the fuses. It pretty much has happened with little warning both times. Hopefully you can help, I cannot afford to take this in to a Hyundai shop.
You only have one crankshaft sensor. Although it should last much longer than 8 months, I've seen a couple cases where the sensor wiring wasn't routed properly and it got cut on the exhaust manifold heat shield.
The number of reasons why a car will crank and not start are actually quite large. To narrow down where the problem may lie, you may want to check some items first, if you can:
1. The check engine should illuminate for at least a few seconds when the ignition key is turned to the "on" position. If it doesn't, this indicates a problem with the engine computer properly powering up and operating.
2. Check whether you have spark. If you don't, it suggests that the engine computer isn't seeing everything it needs to run the engine.
3. Check the fuel pressure. If you don't have sufficient fuel pressure to operate the injectors, your engine will not run.
4. Check the timing belt and camshaft timing. A timing belt that has slipped, stripped, or broken will cause the symptoms you describe.
Okay, so we checked all above, and still nothing, no fire at all. We were going to take it to a garage to be put on the computer, but they said it would be a waste of money, because the check engine light did not come on. Any thoughts, I will do anything to avoid taking it to the Hyundai garage, too spendy for my blood.
AnswerComputer diagnosis can help with more than just reading the codes for check engine lamp. If the shop is unable to do anything more with their computer diagnostic tools than read the diagnostic trouble codes, they will likely have a difficult time diagnosing this problem. It's not necessarily the case that a computer diagnosis will lead to the source of the problem you're having, but it's quick and easy and a good start to a full diagnosis. My suggestion would be that you should take the car to a shop that's capable of using the computer to read not only the trouble codes from your car but also the service data which may indicate a problem. They should also have technicians that are capable of complicated driveability diagnosis. That may be what's necessary here.
What are the results of the four checks? That may help me advise you as to what the problem may be.