Hyundai Repair: hyundia accent 2000, water in the fuel, fuelpump

i thought it was out of gas i put a small amount in and moved it it seemed fine tnen i started it and went a mile it quit like it was out of fuel so i put some in it wouldnt start i changed the relay,@ fuel filter it had water in it i drained all the gas out the fuelpump is fine it still wont start it just turns over but wont fire off like its still out of gas i know its notwhat else can it be

If you had water in the fuel filter, you may have water in the fuel tank as well.  It's possible that you've got too much water to run the vehicle or, if it's cold enough, the water has frozen in your fuel lines.

How did you drain the fuel tank?  I don't recall there being a drain plug in the tank for the 2000 Accent.  I'm wondering if you removed all the water.  If this is in doubt, you may want to add a fuel additive to help disperse the water.