Hyundai Repair: Rear View Mirror dangling, rear view mirror, mirror assembly

I managed to knock the main part of the mirror off, so now its hanging from a
cord connected to the roof.  The part that is still attached to the window is a
black block and has a circular metal piece in the center that moves around
inside.  The mirror fits around the block, and has another metal piece that
seemas like it would push into the one on the base.  Im afraid though that if i
push too hard the window will break.  Is there a better way to fix it?

Usually, there's a spring metal piece that bolts a block onto the back of the mirror.  Chances are that the piece on your windshield is actually two pieces with the additional piece in the center being a pivot bolt.  Look to see if the block on the windshield separates in some way into two pieces.  Usually, one piece will slide up or down off the other.  Once you get the one piece off the windshield, you'll need to reattach it to the mirror assembly.  Then you should be able to slide the mirror back into the windshield block.