QuestionI previously wrote about my 2001 XG 300. I did have the trouble codes read and it showed that the throttle body was bad. After replacing the throttle body and the throttle positioning sensor the car still did not operate. I returned to the dealer and they replaced the parts again in case they had some defect because that is the code that keeps coming up.
I can manually change the gears and the car drives ok. If you can get the cruise control to come on the car operates on its own fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
AnswerExcept for a very few circumstances, codes do not report a bad component. They tell the technician what sort of problem the computer saw and it's then up to the technician to diagnose the vehicle and figure out why the computer is seeing what it's seeing. For the most frequent codes, I can often tell people that for code x they should be able to perform repair y and fix their vehicle. But this is based on experience as to what typically causes certain codes.
It doesn't sound like you have such a situation. For me to be of significant assistance, I need to know what the trouble codes are. Furthermore, I suspect that you have transmission codes in addition to whatever engine codes were present presumably relating to the throttle body.
Knowing that the dealer thought the problem was the throttle body and that they replaced it without solving the issue unfortunately doesn't give me enough information to know what things should be checked.
It's also likely that a good diagnosis on your vehicle will be extraordinarily tedious without a scan tool. Since you've taken the car to the dealer to have it fixed, and they replaced the throttle body without actually having fixed the issue, I'd advise returning the car to the dealer and requesting for them to fix what the actual problem is. Replacing the throttle body again just in case it was defective isn't fixing your car.
If this is an out-of-warranty repair, you deserve for the problem to be repaired for the money you've spent. If this is a warranty repair and the dealer will not or cannot fix the car, you should call Hyundai customer assistance (1-800-633-5151) and open a case with them. Although the person you speak to will be little more than someone to take your complaint, the factory representative will see it and should hold the dealer responsible for taking action.