Hyundai Repair: gx350 pwr windows, adobe svg viewer, window switches

window on pass will not work window in back lift an right will not work check all fuse ok [Drive side do,s work]

This is a very complicated window circuit, so I looked at the schematic diagram.  Unfortunately, the diagram is incomplete and doesn't illustrate how the window lock button disables the other window switches.  

If I were to guess, I'd primarily suspect the master window switch had an issue, but it's also possible that you have a broken wire somewhere.  I've seen broken wires occur occasionally on the XG model.  

The last time I checked, the master window switch cost in excess of $300, just for the part because it's a computer module.

If you don't have access to a schematic, I'd recommend getting a free account at and looking at the (albeit incomplete) schematic there.  The site requires Internet Explorer, and you'll probably need Adobe SVG Viewer to see the schematic.

If you're unable to diagnose based on the schematic, you should probably have a professional look at the car.  It'd be unfortunate to spend $350 or so and find out the the problem still isn't repaired.