Hyundai Repair: fuel problem, hyundai tiburon, secondary ignition
Questionhi, i have a 2001 Hyundai tiburon, 16v 2.0 motor. i took my car to a mechanic, they put it on computer diagnostic, it came back saying #4 was miss-firing, they told me to replace fuel injectors, which i have done. i still have the problem which is. when you start car it is fine, after driving for less then 2 minutes the car is bucking and jerking, asking like it is not getting enough fuel. could you please help me, give me suggestions on where to start next. i do have somewhat of a mechanical knowledge. i would appreciate any and all help
thank you
AnswerMost frequently the issue is with the plug wire. I'd recommend checking your secondary ignition components (plugs, wires, coils) first. They cause well over 90% of all misfires I see. Check especially for carbon tracks down the spark plug porcelain and in the wire boots, and spark jumping through the wire's plastic insulator that goes down into the plug hole.