Hyundai Repair: 2003 Sonata Speed Sensor, speed sensor, odometer

The speedometer and odometer on my wife's car stopped working the other day. The transmission still shifts fine. Her job requires many miles of driving and needs her odometer to track mileage. The car has the V6 with auto and ABS with 94+K miles.
Is it easy to replace the speed sensor and is there any place other than a dealer that you can buy the part? Anyone know the part number?
Thank you for your time!

The sensor bolts into the top of the transmission differential with one 10mm bolt.  Reaching down to the sensor is probably the hardest part of the job.  You should replace both the sensor and the plastic sensor gear, as both fail with enough frequency to justify that, and the sensor sometimes breaks when you remove it.

The part numbers are 46512-39500 for the gear and 46517-39500 for the sensor.  I do not know whether you can source them anywhere other than the dealer.