QuestionThe code actually pertains to the temperature sensor! Can you give me more info?
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1998 Sonata, 4 cyl. I am getting a "Check Engine" code for Air Flow Sensor. There are six (6) pins on the sensor. How can I check it? I am qualified to use a Digital multimeter.
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Your air flow sensor actually has three separate sensors, and air flow sensor, a temperature sensor, and a barometric pressure sensor. The air flow sensor used on your vehicle rarely failed, but some in the mid to late nineties did have a problem with the temperature sensor.
The only way to check an air flow sensor like yours is to check it's readings against a known good sensor on the same engine at different rpm's.
What code do you have? I may be able to provide you information about whether the problem is likely in the sensor or some checks to do if you can tell me what the code is.
AnswerWell, I don't have very good news. The P0110 code is almost always caused by the temperature sensor itself, meaning you probably need to purchase a new air flow sensor (which includes the temperature sensor) to resolve the issue. Unfortunately, this air flow sensor is quite expensive.
To check, you'll want to check the resistance between pins 4 and 6 (the outer pins on the bottom row) of the sensor (with the sensor unplugged). According to the shop manual, P0110 sets if the temperature sensor resistance is not between 140 Ohms and 50k Ohms. They also list a brief temp-resistance chart as follows: 32F = 6k Ohms, 68F = 2700 Ohms, and 176F = 400 Ohms. If the sensor tests good, you might try twisting each of the pins in the sensor just a little bit with a pair of needle nose pliers, and then reconnecting the harness connector and clearing the code. It's possible you may have just had a poor contact in the connector, and twisting the pins will help ensure positive contact with the female terminals in the harness connector.