QuestionHow do you change the headlights on 2002 Hyundai Sonata?
AnswerI'll assume you want to change the bulbs, not the headlamps themselves. I've listed the steps below to change the bulbs. Both sides use the same procedure. If you wanted information on replacing the whole headlamp assembly, let me know; I'll be happy to give you that as well.
1. Twist the outer dust cover counter-clockwise and pull off the back of the headlamp assembly.
2. Remove the electrical connector from the bulb.
3. Note the position of the alignment tab on the bulb so you can reinstall the new bulb with the alignment tab in the same position.
4. Locate the latch on the retaining clip, press the clip into the headlamp at the latch and move sideways away from the latch.
5. Remove the old bulb.
6. Install the new bulb, aligning the tab properly, and latch the clip into place.
7. Reinstall the electrical connector.
8. Reinstall the dust cover.