Questionwhat all do u have to take off to change the alternator for a 2001 hyundai xg300l
AnswerThis is not a job for the do-it-yourselfer simply because the a/c will need to be discharged to do the job. If you have someplace or someone that will discharge and recharge your a/c for you, then you could do the rest of the steps yourself. You can simply have it discharged before you start, and then recharged when you're done. I'll list the steps below.
1. Disconnect the negative battery terminal.
2. Remove the right hand side splash shield.
3. Remove the right front under splash shield.
4. Loosen the 14mm pinch bolt on the alternator belt tensioner pulley.
5. Loosen the 14mm belt adjusting bolt and remove the belt from the alternator.
6. Remove the six 10mm bolts and remove the engine cover.
7. Discharge the a/c.
8. Remove the right side radiator fan.
9. Remove the two 12mm bolts and remove the alternator stabilizing brace.
10. Disconnect from the compressor the a/c line beside the alternator and position out of the way.
11. Remove the 12mm nut and disconnect the alternator main wire.
12. Remove the alternator field connector.
13. Remove the two 12mm bolts from the upper alternator bracket.
14. Loosen the upper 14mm alternator mounting nut.
15. Remove the 14mm nut and washers from the bottom alternator bolt and remove the bolt.
16. Remove the alternator.
17. Transfer the upper mounting bracket to the new alternator.
18. Installation is the reverse of removal.