Hyundai Repair: ecm, fuel management systems, incorrect conclusion

My car wont start someone looked at it and clainms it is the ecm..but i see the check engine light come on when the key is on the "ON" position ..? my vehicule is a 2001 accent 1.5

The check engine lamp doesn't guarantee the PCM is working properly, just that it's able to illuminate the lamp.  So it's possible that the ECM is the issue.  

Although I've never seen a case, there's a technical service bulletin (TSB) for a crank - no start condition caused by the ECM, but the TSB says the problem is very intermittent (up to months between occurences), and that the check engine lamp does no illuminate when the condition occurs.  So I don't think the problem to which the TSB refers is the problem you're currently having.

In fact, I have significant doubts that the ECM is the cause of your problem.  But I'm in no position to say someone who has done actual diagnosis on the vehicle has reached an incorrect conclusion.  For a problem like this, you'll want someone who's good at driveability and fuel management systems to diagnose your car.  If the person that looked at the car doesn't qualify as an expert in these areas, your best bet is to have someone who is look at the car.