Hyundai Repair: Rough Idling, hyundai accent, vacuum hose
QuestionI have a 2001 hyundai accent 1.6 dohc. All the trouble started when the timing belt broke and bent all the exhaust valves in the motor. I found a replacement head and installed it. after retiming the motor it has developed rough idling and i cant seem to find whats cousing this. The car is running as if its too rich! Boggy and slugish when first started and improving alittle as the car warms up, but still just isnt right
AnswerPresuming the car was running normally before the timing belt broke, I'd start with (re)checking those things that are related to the work you've done:
-recheck camshaft timing
-check vacuum hose (especially pcv and brake booster) installation
-check electrical connectors
-check compression
If you've installed a used head, you'll need to consider also the significant possibility that there's a problem with the cylinder head.