QuestionI have recently bought my grandmothers 1996, 2 door, manual, Excel.
It has been properly serviced all its life and only has 52,000kms on the clock.
I don't think the surging was happening when i first got the car but now everytime I drive it, it feels as though it is running out of fuel.
Moving from a stopped position the car sometimes (not always) has issues and my foot mas to be planted to stop it stalling and to make it go somewhere.
The surging happens when I am going at high or low speeds and when speeding up more than slowing down.
The car can be full of fuel or nearly empty and it will still do this.
Please help
AnswerUnfortunately, Sarah, the best I'm going to be able to do is suggest some possibilities. It'd be my recommendation to have it checked at a dealer or good driveability shop. If your check engine lamp is coming on, your best bet is to start by reading the stored trouble codes. Even if it hasn't come on, there may be codes stored.
The primary items that would cause a surging would be the idle actuator and the throttle position sensor. I don't recommend replacing either of these, however, because I don't have a good feel for exactly what's happening based on your description. I think you'll have much better luck by having a professional look at it.