Hyundai Repair: Hyundai Elantra valve adj., hyundai elantra, feeler gauge
QuestionMy 2002 Elantra has excessive valve noise/lash, runs ruff.
I noticed on tsbulletins that shims are availabe to alleviate the symptom.
My question; is this something that can only be handled by Hyundai dealer or is there a simpler adj. that could be preformed by me?
AnswerYou'll need to be comfortable and accurate working with a feeler gauge, micrometer, and and your camshaft to do this adjustment. If you're not, you should let a qualified repair shop (not necessarily a dealer) do it.
Also consider that improper valve adjustment may not be your only problem. Typically, the car will not run rough if the valves are not properly adjusted. Additionally, I've seen very few of these engines that needed the vavles adjusted, so I'd recommend making sure the adjustment is needed before going down that road.