Hyundai Repair: clutch 2001 Tiburon, gear tooth, synchronizers
QuestionSometimes while trying to shift into first gear or reverse the clutch won't let me put the shifter into gear. I then release the clutch and press the gas a little (while in neutral) and when I try again it usually lets it go in gear. Why does this happen and what should I do about it and obviously how much could it cost me?
AnswerPresuming you're stopped when trying to shift into first or reverse, that's a normal condition. For the synchronizers to align the gears, the vehicle must be moving. All that's happening is that when it doesn't want to engage is that one gear tooth is running into the opposing gear tooth when you try to shift.
Using the procedure you descibe above, letting the vehicle roll a bit, or selecting another gear and going back and trying first or reverse again are all common procedures to help realign the teeth to enable you to shift.