QuestionI need to replace my timing belt and my serpentine belt. Can you tell me how to do those repairs? Or recommend where to purchase a manual with directions on how to service those belts? Thanks for any help.
AnswerYou can view and print the information on how to do this job directly from your computer. Simply register for a free account at (requires internet explorer). Once you have an account, you can view the Hyundai shop manuals, schematics, and technical service bulletins. I'd strongly recommend replacing the timing belt tensioner and balance shaft belt (another small timing belt) when you do these repairs. Below is a procedure I'm recalling from memory that'll have a few different things than the book procedure, but I may not recall every step, so it'll be better if you at least look at the information on the site as well. If you have any doubts as to your ability to do this job correctly, take the vehicle to a qualified shop. If the timing belt is installed incorrectly, engine damage could occur.
1. Remove right side engine mount.
2. Unbolt cruise control module, unplug, and lay on top of engine.
3. Unbolt power steering pressure hose from inside fender well to allow greater access.
4. Loosen the 4 water pump pulley bolts.
5. Loosen the 14mm nut on the P/S-A/C belt tensioner.
6. Loosen the 14mm tensioning bolt sufficiently and remove the P/S-A/C belt.
7. Loosen the alternator clamping bolt, and relieve the belt tension.
8. Remove the alternator/water pump belt.
9. Remove the 4 bolts holding the water pump pulley and remove the pulley.
10. Remove the crankshaft pulley.
11. Remove the timing covers.
12. Rotate the engine by hand to top dead center. The camshaft, crankshaft marks, and rear balance shaft marks should be aligned.
13. Remove the two 12mm bolts holding the timing belt tensioner and remove the tensioner.
14. Remove the timing belt.
15. Remove the crankshaft sprocket.
16. Unbolt the crankshaft position sensor and move away from the spacer plate.
17. Remove the spacer plate, paying attention to which side was facing out.
18. Remove the 12mm bolt and remove the balance belt tensiner pulley.
19. Remove the balance shaft belt.
20. Install the new balance shaft belt verifying that the balance shaft and crankshaft marks are aligned with their respective index marks.
21. Install the balance shaft tensioner pulley. Rotate the pulley by hand to apply tension to the balance shaft belt. Tighten the 12mm bolt while applying the tension with your hand.
22. Reinstall the spacer plate facing in the correct direction. If your balance shaft marks are aligned from the previous step, the notch in the plate should be aligned with the index mark on the engine.
23. Reinstall the crankshaft sprocket.
24. Rotate the front balance shaft/oil pump sprocket until the mark is aligned with the index. Turn it away from the index mark a little. It should try to turn back to the index mark. If it wants to keep turning, rotate it one full turn and try again.
25. Install the timing belt around the crankshaft pulley and wedge an appropriately sized socket between the belt and the lip on the front case of the engine to hold the belt in place on the crankshaft sprocket.
26. Wrap the belt around the front balance/oil pump sprocket, paying particular attention to the position of the index marks when the belt is pulled tight-- they should be aligned.
27. Using a 17mm wrench, align the index marks on the front (exhaust) camshaft sprocket and, taking up the slack, install the timing belt on this sprocket and clamp in place with a spring clamp.
28. Using a 17mm wrench, hold the rear (intake) camshaft sprocket aligned and install the belt around the sprocket and clamp in place. With everything held in place, all the slack should be on the tensioner side of the belt. The intake cam will likely try to turn. As long as the belt doesn't slip on any of the sprockets, everything should be okay. (It's okay to stop holding the intake cam once the belt is clipped in place).
29. Install the new timing belt tensioner and tighten the two 12mm bolts.
30. Remove the pin to release the tensioner plunger.
31. Install the main crank bolt with washer.
32. Remove the clamps and the socket wedge and rotate the crankshaft six revolutions and check all marks. (If you turn the crankshaft anything other than a multiple of six revolutions, not all marks will be aligned). If everything is not aligned, remove the tensioner, compress in a vise, reinstall the pin, and restart with step 25.
33. Remove the crank bolt.
34. Reinstall the timing covers.
35. Install the crank pulley.
36. Install the water pump pulley. Hold with pliers or similar instrument while tightening the four 10mm bolts.
37. Install the alternator/water pump belt, tension, and secure alternator.
38. Install the p/s-a/c belt, tension, and secure the 14mm tensioner pulley nut.
39. Bolt the p/s hose back in place.
40. Reattach the cruise module and reconnect.
41. Reinstall the engine mount.