Hyundai Repair: Hyundai Sonata Wiper relay problem, hyundai sonata, fuse block

I have a 2001 Sonata GL, 4-cyl.

I have the following problems with the wipers:
1. Intermittent setting doesn't work, but the slow and fast continuous settings do.
2. The wipers will not park themselves in the correct position when turned off, forcing me to "catch" them in the bottom position before switching them off..

Any ideas? Relay/module of some sort? if so, where can I get a replacement and where in the car is it located?

thank you!!


Hi, Mike.  You'll need to do some testing to find the problem.  I'll send you to first.  If you can read an electrical schematic, it'll be helpful.  You'll need to register for a free account and the site will only work with Internet Explorer.  Once in the site, you can enter your year and model vehicle, and then click on the ETM (Electrical Troubleshooting Manual) tab to get a listing of the schematics.  The wiper circuit is hidden in the Body Electrical section and ETACS subsection.

I'd start by checking the wiper motor relay under the hood.  This relay is necessary for both park and intermittent wiper operation.  But it's also possible you've got some sort of problem in the underhood juntion block or the wiring near there.

The relay will have a part number on it, which you can use to obtain a relay at a Hyundai dealer.  Or you may be able to take it to your local parts store.  It's a pretty standard relay.  If there's an identical one in the fuse block there, you can just swap them and see what happens.