Hyundai Repair: 2000 Hyundai Accent parking break stuck, hyundai accent, rear wheels
My GF's 2000 Hyundai Accent has been parked for approximately a month. It is a manual transmission model with 115000 kms. She fired it up yesterday and disengaged the parking break lever. When she tries to back out of the parking spot, the car won't move.
I tried to give it lots of gas to get it moving but the rear wheels would not rotate and where skidding across the ground. I figure that the parking brake is stuck. I believe it was raining last time she drove it. How to I get the parking brake disengaged or remove it so that I can fix it or get it to a shop?
AnswerJack up the back of the car so the wheels are off the ground, USE SAFTEY STANDS!!!!! Release the brake handle and hit the wheels with a hammer a few times. This usually breaks the shoes away from the drums after a few smacks.
Good Luck
Hope this helps