Hyundai Repair: 2002 Hyundai Sonata Trouble Codes, 2002 hyundai sonata, hyundai sonata
QuestionI have a 2002 Hyundai Sonata GLS. It seemed like the transmission slipped a little bit this morning. I was going and it wouldnt shift out of first gear on time. Finally when it did, it shifted very hard and very loud. The check engine light came on. After that it shifted properly for the rest of the day and the engine light eventually went off about 6 hours later. I took it in the trouble codes were P0720, malfunction in the electrical circuit of the output speed sensor. The other one was P1529, SCAIR Solenoid Circuit malfunction. The guy didnt know what that was or if it was caused by the speed sensor and would be ok if I changed the speed sensor. Is this a common problem? Should I get it fixed even though it is operating normally now? Could I do it myself? Thanks a bunch!!
AnswerThe output speed sensor isn't too bad to replace. It is on the trans housing just below the brake master cyl. It has a 3 wire connector and 1 10mm bolt holding it into the case.
If you plan on replacing it yourself a little tip. Domn't try to unplug the sensor while it's still in the trans case. Unbolt it first, twist and pull up on the sensor and once it is out of the case disconnect it. If not most folks break the connector. The P1529 is related to the P0720, It is a request from the trans computer to turn on the Check Engine light. Not to worry. Once you replace the sensor disconnect the battery for a few minutes, that will clear the code and allow the trans computer to "Re Learn" and adapt to the new sensor.
Good luck