Hyundai Repair: changing spark plugs, changing spark plugs, santa fe 2

I am working on my girlfriends 2002 Santa Fe, 2.7l V6 - - doing most of the 60,000 mile checkup. Timing belt and other stuff was no problem but then I got to the spark plugs - - the back three to be specific.

I know that I have to remove the plenum (think that is what they call it and not sure how to spell it). The front bolts are obvious but what do I have to remove from the back before I pry it off? I have the repair manual and it looked like there were three bolts holding it down to the back plate but I want to be sure it is completely disconnected before I start prying up to unstick it from the front gasket.

Any help would be appreciated.


Yup, 3 or 4 bolts in the back, 12mm heads. Take them out and don't pry tyhe plenum, instead tap it down at the back side with a rubber mallet. This will loosen it and break the seal and it should lift straight up. If it dosent move you missed a bolt. Re check that all the bolts are out.
Good luck, hope this helps