Hyundai Repair: Input Speed Sensor 2000 Hyundai Sonata V6, negative battery cable, hyundai sonata
QuestionIs the OEM for that item 46517-39000? I could get it myself if so. Is it difficult to replace? Thanks
AnswerAt home I don't have access to part numbers. The sensor itself is kind of a pain to replace. It is under the shift cable and has a 3 pin wire connector that can easily be broken if man handled. To replace remove the 2 12 mm bolts that hold the shift cable to the trans case and push the cable away from the sensor. DON"T try to un plug the sensor yet!!!! Remove the 10mm bolt that attaches the sensor to the trans case. Twist and pull the old sensor from the case. Now push the release tab on the connector and disconnect the old sensor. If the sensor won't un plug a hair dryer will warm up the plastic and help release the connector. Installation is the reverse of the romoval. You may also want to disconnect the negative battery cable during this repair. This will prevent the posibilitys of shorting out wires, clear any trouble codes and allow your trans computer to "Re learn" how to shift with a new and operating sensor.