Hyundai Repair: 2001 Hyundai doesnt want to start, singal, fuel pump

I have a 2001 Hyundai, I bought used about 1 1/2 years ago. It was running great till about a month ago, all of the sudden it was turning over, but didn't want to start, but would.  It did it to me a couple more times, then was running fine for 2-3 weeks.  Then about a week ago, it did it again and we haven't been able to get it running again.  My husband was thinking it just wasn't getting fuel. He replaced the fuel filter and still nothing. Then he replaced the fuel pump. He was spraying ether into the car and it was starting, but then it dies and won't start back up. So we are at a loss. Do you have any suggestions on what it might be and/or what else we could check?   Thank you for your help!

Will i need to know if the fuel pump is getting this can be coused by the computer not getting singal from the  dtc(top dead center senser) ,also fuel pump relay can cause it,so these are a few things to lok at but to get it taken care being you have spent money an still dont have it fixed.i would say to take to a dealer an let them run it on the scanner,hope this helps