Hyundai Repair: Hyundai Elantra 2000 preventative maintence, hyundai elantra, upper radiator hose

I have a Hyundai Elantra 2000 with 59K miles on it. As it is getting older I question if it is worth it to put money into a car that is only worth about $3K in book value. I went to my local goodyear dealer who I trust and they suggested the following work be done at $60K:

1)Timing belt Parts- 79.95 Labor- 307.04 Total- 386.99
2) Water Pump- Parts- 137.21 Labor- 95.95 Total- 233.16
3)Upper Radiator hose-Parts-26.52 Labor- 43.18 Total- 69.70
4)Lower Radiator hose-Parts-31.82 Labor- 43.18 Total- 75.00
5)Clamps- Parts- 8 Labor-0 Total- 8
6)Thermostate Gasket-Parts-26.06- Labor- 57.57 Total- 83.59
7) Cooling System service- Total- 126.98
8) Bypass Hose- Parts- 26.33 Labor- 0 Total- 26.33

I only drive the car localy and I would like to keep it for the next 2-3 years which will mean about 30K more miles for me. I plan to buy a new car after that. I realize that the owners manual says 60K for timing belt and the water pump but if I want to risk it is there a realistic chance of my car making it to 90K without the timing belt or water pump going? Also what about the other parts and services that Goodyear suggested? I would prefer to replace hoses, clamps and things like that only if necessary.

I live in New York so if the prices for service seem high that is the reason the labor rate is $95.95 an hour.


here is one for you why would they charge you full price,on some of the thing when they already have them apart

like timming belt or water pump when most of the job is taking all of it apart. water pump is an add on when doing timming belt.maybe an half hour charge being there alrerady there

if they already have the water pump out why are they going to charge for a coolent service when they already drain the coolent for the pump ???

now why are tyhey chargeing you an hour for the rad hoses when they are only half hour apeace, time to talk to your tach an ask why they want to rip you off/