Hyundai Repair: internal engine leak, head gasket, hyundai accent
QuestionHello i have 97 sohc 1.5L Hyundai Accent with an internal engine leak. During the last few months i have noticed some foamy white milkshake looking stuff on the oil cap. From what i heard that usually means a leaky head gasket or even a cracked cylinder head. So i took off the head and the gasket and they both look just fine, no cracks or leaks, but i replaced the gasket just in case. I am still having the milkshake looking foam on my oil cap. Is there any other way the coolent could be getting in the engine. Im not even sure it is the coolent. Its been very wet and humid for the last few weeks i am starting to wonder if water is finding a way into the engine through the intake breather or something. I have been driving it without the air intake duct that fits on top of the radiator could this have anything to do with the leak?
AnswerYou are getting water or coolent in your oil an there a few ways. head is crack warped or cyl my have a crack or the head gasket is bad, you have to use a stright egde one the head an the deck an have the head checked for cracks ,but first run a cyl leak down test thats taking air into the cyl an seeing if it comes out the radiator hope this helps