Hyundai Repair: hit the curb, honda accord 1990, unseen damage

Hi, i am currently looking at a honda accord 1990 to purchase. and yes, i know this isnt your category or if you would know anything about it but, the front right wheel ran into a merrian and bent up the bar that runs accross the front from the right to the left....(i have no idea what it is called) but it was oviously bent up by the tire rim. i was just wondering if the apparent damage was fixed if there would be other things that would be wrong with the front end?  i would appriciate any imput and thank you.

Yes your right this is not the Honda one but I can answer you, with out seeing an knowing what is really bent I would not even try to say Yes or No, I would how ever say take it to body shop being they have what you need to see if the under side has any unseen damage .Before buying an being stuck with a car that has to much damage,