2014 Kia Forte - is cold weather killing my battery?

There are a few reasons why your battery might be dying in cold weather.

1. The cold weather can thicken the oil in your engine, making it harder for the starter to turn the engine over. This can put a strain on the battery, especially if it is old or weak.

2. The cold weather can also reduce the battery's capacity to hold a charge. This is because the chemical reactions that take place inside a battery are slowed down by cold temperatures.

3. If your car is not driven very often, the battery will not have a chance to recharge fully. This can lead to the battery becoming discharged, especially in cold weather.

If you are having trouble starting your car in cold weather, there are a few things you can do:

1. Try to park your car in a warm place, such as a garage or covered parking.

2. If you cannot park your car in a warm place, try to start it for a few minutes every day to keep the battery charged.

3. You can also try using a battery booster to jump-start your car.

If you continue to have trouble starting your car in cold weather, you should have the battery tested to make sure that it is still good.