Isuzu Repair: Gas Gauge problems, gas gauge, isuzu trooper
QuestionQUESTION: My low fuel indicator light began blinking on/off and my gas gauge dropped from full to empty very quickly and than the check engine light came on. After about 1 to 2 minutes, the gas gauge went back to full and the indicator stopped blinkng. Garage reset the check engine light but had no explanation of problem. This has happened several times. any ideas on cause/solution?
ANSWER: fuel level sending unit Jim. 200% positive. The fuel tank must be dropped and the fuel pump pulled out and a new fuel level sending unit needs to be installed. Job takes about 2-3 hours and is not that difficult. They can be found on ebay for under 60.00 just make sure to reset your pcm when you are done. I can give you more details if I had the year and make:)
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QUESTION: The vehicle is a 2000 Isuzu Trooper. Any additional information would be appreciated.
Answerwell I would recommend having your fuel level sending unit replaced. If the fuel pump o-ring is not correclty installed it will cause a dangerous gas leak and will cause several problems. However the actual part can be found on the interent for very little money. I do recommend having professionally done though Jim.