Isuzu Repair: 2000 Rodeo w/ V-6, gas gauge, cam sensor
QuestionQUESTION: I recently bought a 2000 Rodeo w/ 83K miles and have a hard start issue. I just changed the fuel filter and plugs, air filter is clean. Have read online about the many fuel sending unit and fuel pump problems. I talked to an Isuzu mechanic yesterday that told me how to test and see if the check valve at the fuel pump may be bad, allowing gas to return to the tank when vehicle is turned off but that doesn't seem to be the case, still hard to start after following his instructions. My check Engine light is not on -nor- have I have gas gauge problems like so many others online. I wondered if timing could be off, maybe a bad crank or cam sensor but no check engine light has come on alerting me of a problem. Wierd problem. I'm wondering if my fuel pump is the "Root of all Evil" here. Todd
ANSWER: Well I would start by checking your starting and charging system Todd. Also do a voltage check of your fuel pump. It should be getting 12.6 volts so if it is lower than that you know your fuel pump is bad. Does it do this occasionally or all the time?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: It does this all the time. I have now changed the spark plugs and gas filter, but no change. I see it had a timing belt service done in '06 and had a mechanic tell me the belt is easy to install "off one tooth" on the belt...???
Which I assume would mess up the timing, but I'm wondering about all that because the thing runs great and at idle you can't even tell it's running inside the truck. Your response about checking voltage: Am I checking the power wires at the pump? Verifying battery/alternator is supplying 12v to pump?? About at my wits end with this one too...
AnswerWell that rules out the timing being off as I doubted it was. It needs to be tested to see how much voltage is going from the charging system, to the fuel pump. and then from the fuel pump to the fuel injectors and so forth. This will sound crazy but if it won't start. try hitting the bottom of the gas tank with a mallet or baseball bat a good amount of times and if it then starts we know that your fuel pump is 100% bad. What happens sometimes is that fuel pump solenoid/energizer gets old and just goes out. If you turn the key on and do not hear any buzzing from the fuel pump, then that is an indication as well because thats what buzzes when you turn your Ignition on. Please let me know what you find and if need be I will make a few phone calls or something and get you goin okay? Thank you for your patience.