Isuzu Repair: 2001 Isuzu Trooper burning oil, 2001 isuzu trooper, lucas heavy duty oil stabilizer
QuestionTo Daniel:
I saw your answer to Pat on 2/19/2008 regarding the 2001 Trooper burning oil. My Trooper is the same year and has 106,000 miles. It is burning oil and at times the dip stick comes out dry. I keep up with changing the oil. I know nothing about cars and wondered if I took it to a garage, what do I ask have done? Also, do you have a ballpark dollar amount as to what it would cost. Lastly, various mechanics and friends alike have told me it is time to get rid of the Trooper. I love it and other than the oil, it is in great shape. What is your opinion?
Thanks for the advice.
AnswerWell Pat. I would start by doing a throttle body cleaning. Then have your mechanic dip a vacuum hose off the intake into a can of strong carb cleaner and let it slowly suck in all the contents. Make sure to give it some throttle or it will try to stall. After this clean your EGR valve with a soft wire brush(NOT CARB CLEANER!!!) Then drain your oil and use a quart of Lucas heavy duty oil stabilizer and add remaining oil with Mystic or Rotella 15w-40 or 10w-40 motor oil. Then take the Trooper out and give it a good run on the highway and blow all of that carbon and crap out of it. Then if it stops burning oil seel it because the problems will only get worse and worse. Isuzu actually has lawsuits against them right now for this very reason Pat. SELL IT!!.