QuestionQUESTION: When I try to crank my Rodeo, I get a quick turnover of the engine and then nothing. If I turn the switch on and off it will either do it again or it will crank. Sometimes it is a bit sluggish. This is an intermittent problem and it seem to happen when the engine is cold more than when it is warmed up. I pulled the starter and solenoid and had them checked, battery is charged, I even sprayed contact cleaner into the ignition switch to clean out any crude but that didn't help.
please advise..........baffled
ANSWER: Well my first guess Robert is that either your ignition switch is packing it's bags(and leaving). Or you have a loose main wiring harness ground which is very common with these models. Also next time it does this, get under your car and smack it REALLY HARD with a hammer or baseball bat. If it starts, then your fuel pump solenoid is bad and needs replacing. If this doesn't help let me know and we will go from here okay?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I replaced the fuel pump today because of a pressure problem and that was resolved. I cleaned the fuel injectors and replaced the o rings and seals. You mentioned smacking something but what needs to be smacked ?
I am going to replace the battery cables tomorrow in hopes that it is a corrosion problem down in the cable. I recently had to do some major cleaning of the cables and have a feeling and hope that the problem is in there before I have to replace the switch.........let me know if you have an idea how to check resistance of the cables from the switch to the starter.
AnswerWell Robert. You take a multimeter. Place the positive end of the multimeter to the positive side of the starter.(where the positive cable hooks up on the starter) and put the ground side of the terminal on a good ground(usually on the frame) and that will tell you the exact resistance of the cables. While having this hooked up have someone turn the key to crank the motor a few times and that will give you 100% reading as to what is going on with your starting system. Although you mentioned having to clean the cables, well if they are very stiff and hard(the cables) as well as lots of corrosion on the battery posts, replace them, do not even try to clean them because you can't. You are suppposed to change your battery cables like belts. Every few years. You can either use the multimeter in ohms or direct current(depending on the type of your multimeter). If this does not help though let me know okay?