Isuzu Repair: Starting Isuzu pick up, isuzu pup, question thanks

QUESTION:  I have a 1987 Isuzu pup 4 cyl gas. In order for it to start I have to keep pumping the accelerator real fast until it does start. Any help would be very appreciated,thanks     Eddie

ANSWER: Well it sounds like either a faulty choke system/ fuel system problem like a fuel filter or a fuel pump issue maybe. Is the vehicle getting enough gas or too much gas?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION:  Thanks for the reply. Its not getting enough gas. After pumping the gas pedal about 15 or 20 times it starts. Then when you start to go it dies down, bucks and jumps. If you push the gas pedal almost all the way down it goes too fast, then you let off and try to go normal, right back dieing down, bucking and jumping. Push the pedal down a little more and it goes like it should, let off and the same thing over and over.

Well it sounds like a fuel pump problem. Or it could be something simple like a fuel filter. Have  you recently replaced all of the spark plugs and componants? I will do some lookin around and find whats and the timing? yes it sounds like a fuel pump problem though.