Isuzu Repair: 2001 Isuzu Trooper, isuzu troopers, lucas heavy duty oil stabilizer
QuestionI have a 2001 Isuzu Tropper, it seems to use a lot of oil, sometime 2-3 quarts ever 3000-5000 miles. what would cause this ?
AnswerHello PAt. Unfortunately the Isuzu troopers and rodeo's burn an excessive amount of oil due to a faulty ring and piston issue. The rings clog up after a few thousand or so miles and burn oil like there is no tomorrow. The best thing to do is to get a can of gum out or carb cleaner, unhook your vacuum hose leading into your intake, and slowly let the vacuum hose suck up the entire can of cleaner while giving the throttle a little goose to keep it running. AS WELL AS THE THROTTLE BODY butterfly and all inside it. After this drain your oil and reinstall the plug. Pour in a quart of Lucas heavy duty oil stabilizer and add oil as needed. Also make sure to clean out your EGR valve. (DONT USE CARB CLEANER ON THIS!!!!USE A SMALL BRUSH) Then go out and give the car the running of a lifetime. You will see all kinds of crap get blown out of the tailpipe. If you have any questions please feel free to ask!!!!!!!