Isuzu Repair: 96 Trooper Temperature, radiator hoses, temperature gauge

QUESTION: I have the same problem as Christina posted on 11/12/07 "1996 Trooper Clutch & Temperature".  My temperature gauge also goes very hot only on the highway and very hot days.  However, I've had the thermostat, water pump and timing belt all changed, as well as the system flushed and the problem still exists.

ANSWER: Hello Deedra, well you could have a over-rated thermostat, meaning it opens up too hot, or you could have a faulty cooling system componant, Try your temp sending unit as well, let me know how it goes ok? Also if there is alot of stop and go traffic or extreme heat make sure your coolent is mixed right and is a good brand ok?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the info.  But, when you say component, aren't there a number of components to the cooling system?  Therefore, is there some way to check them or one in particular I should start with or just go by trial and error?  Also, where is the temp sending unit located?  I have the diagram. of the radiator or is it part of the engine?

The coolant componants are all radiator hoses and return hoses, radiator, heater core, and thermostat plus temp sending unit. The temperature sending unit should be at the front of the engine under or beside the manifold, depending on the engine type. Start small and work your way from simple to complex, it could be a collapsed hose or something like a faulty thermostat, we'll figure it out tho. Let me know how it goes ok?